- इस Advanced Programming for Data Science PDF in Hindi में आपको अपने Syllabus के सभी Topics मिलेंगे।
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1. NumPy
Introduction, Ndarray Object, Creating ndarrays, DataTypes for ndarrays, array attributes of numpy, Indexing and Slicing, Iterating over Array, Array Manipulation, Mathematical Functions, Arithmetic Operations, Statistical Functions, Sort Search and Counting Functions, Matrix Library, numpy.linalg module.
2. Pandas Introduction and Series
Introduction, features and installation, Data Structures in Pandas : Series, DataFrame and Panel, Descriptive Statistics Series : Defining series from list,dictionary and numpy arrays, Indexing in series, Creating Series from Dataset with the pd.read_csv() and accessing rows using .head(), .tail(), Attributes in Series object (.values, .index, .size, .name, and .is_unique.dtype), Methods on a Series Objects (.sum(), .product(), .mean(), .idxmax(), .idxmin(), .value_counts(), .apply(), .map()), Sorting of series by value and index.
3. DataFrames in Pandas
Introduction to DataFrames, Data Frame Attributes ( .index, .values, .shape, .ndim, and .dtypes, .columns and .axes), One Column Selection from a DataFrame, Two or More Column Selection from a DataFrame, New Column Addition, Broadcasting (.add(), .sub(), .mul() and .div()), Data Frame methods ( .value_counts() , .dropna() , .fillna() , .astype() , .rank()), Sorting in DataFrame with respect to index and values
Filtering the Data : Filtering of rows in DataFrame based on one or more conditions, Methods for filtering (isin(), .isnull(), .notnull(), .between(), .duplicated(), .drop_duplicates(), .unique() and .nunique())
Data Extraction : Customize and Reset the index (set_index and reset_index), Row retrieval by loc Accessor and iloc Accessor, Methods for Data Extraction (.drop(), .pop(), .sample(), .nsmallest(), .nlargest(), .where(), .query(), .apply(), .copy()) MultiIndex, GroupBy, Merging Joining and Concatenating Data Frames, Importing and Exporting Excel/CSV files in Pandas
4. Matplotlib
Introduction to Matplotlib, Parts of Figure, Types of input to plotting functions, Introduction to Pyplot, Figure Class, Axes Class, Different types of plots (Line Graph, Bar Chart, Histogram, Scatter Plot, Pie Chart, Box Chart), Multiplots, The Lifecycle of Plot, Annotations Working with images : Importing image data into numpy arrays, plotting numpy arrays as image
5. Seaborn
Introduction and features of Seaborn, Seaborn vs Matplotlib, Figure Aesthetic, Color palette, Seaborn Plotting functions : relplot, catplot, Histogram, Bar Plot,Box Plot, Facet Grid, Pair Grid, HeamMap